Ways to a Successful Annulment

annulment lawyers philippinesAn annulment process is quite technical and complicated. It involves several legal steps that can be confusing. This article, however, presents the process of annulment and its legal procedures in the simplest way.

  • Read up and take those research skills into use. If you want to understand the annulment process in the Philippines, you should spend time to read, research online, join forums and ask questions. The information that you’ve gathered will give you an idea on the process that you will go through.
  • Choose your annulment lawyer. Choosing the right lawyer will give you a smooth annulment process. So, to help you choose the right lawyer, ask for referrals, research online, check forums, check the background of the law firm or check the credentials of the lawyer. One of the ways to assess if the lawyer is good to handle your case is to ask questions. The way how your lawyer answer them and the way how your lawyer makes you understand the annulment process matters.

Doing your own research and choosing the right lawyer are just two of the ways to have a smooth annulment process in the Philippines. There are other ways, which involve the following:

  • Be ready for the psychological evaluation. Most basis for annulment is the psychological incapacity, which the psychologist will determine after a series of interviews and tests. Your lawyer and the psychologist will draft a marital history showing instances or situations that show that both you and your estranged spouse could no longer live together, thus an annulment is the solution out of your marital woes.
  • Filing the annulment petition is the next step. Your lawyer will file the case in the court using the facts gathered in your psychological evaluation and marital history as basis.
  • Pre-trial and collusion investigation is the next step, which determines if you and your estranged spouse conspired for the filing of petition. During the pre-trial, both parties will try to come with an agreement on child support and custody  or privileges to visit their children.
  • Next is the trial, which involves the petitioner, psychologist, witnesses, and  corroborating witness.

annulment in the philippines

  • The reading of the decision is next after all witnesses were heard. The decision will be deemed final if no motion of reconsideration was filed within 15 days after the decision was rendered.
  • Lastly, annotation with the civil registrar is the last step.

The annulment process in the Philippines is a complicated process that needs lots of preparation emotionally and financially. Arm yourself with information so as to prepare yourself to face the stressful and heartbreaking process ahead.