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Understanding Solo Parents Act in the Philippines

Data from the Philippine National Statistics Office (NSO) revealed that there about 14 million solo parents as of 2015.  With this, the passing of Republic Act 8972 or otherwise known as Solo Parents Act in the Philippines or Solo Parents’ Welfare Act of 2000 makes solo parenting easier and little bearable. Hence, solo parents who were left alone to tend to their children because of death of a spouse, separation, and abandonment. Having a child as a result of rape is also covered under the Act and receives benefits for solo parents.

However, solo parents must first apply for a solo-parent ID to avail and enjoy the benefits that are stipulated in the Solo Parents Act in the Philippines. To avail of the ID, a solo parent must present the following document to the local office of the Department of Social Welfare and Development:

  1. A Barangay Certification that proves or certifies the residency of a solo parent in the barangay for at least six months.
  2. Proof of income of the solo parent like income tax return or other document.

The submitted documents will then be validated by the social worker. Once the validation was done, a solo parent ID will be issued. It is to note, however, that the ID is good for a year and is renewable.

But what are the benefits of solo parents? 

  1. Solo parents can enjoy a flexible work schedule as long as it does not affect the prescribed work hours by the employer and within the bounds of company rules.
  2. Solo parents must not receive discrimination at work in reference to his / her solo parent status.
  3. Solo parents enjoy a parental leave, which helps him / her perform parental responsibilities. The leave is an add-on or additional to the prescribed leave privileges offered by the company.
  4. Solo parents also enjoy housing and educational benefits as defined in Republic Act 8972.

In 2012, amendments in the Solo Parents Act in the Philippines also qualify solo parents to enjoy more privileges like discounts on children’s clothing, baby formula, food and supplements, and medicines for children 5 years old and below.

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